Passiflora incarnata
Energetics: Cooling, Drying, Relaxing
Actions: Nervine (sedative), Antispasmodic, Hypnotic
Found in: zzz! Lights Out, ah! Calm + Clarity
A glance at the other-worldly Passionflower often leaves one hypnotized. Native to the tropical and semi-tropical areas of the Americas and Southeast Asia, the use of the leaves and flowers of this viney plant has been recorded as far back as the Aztecs1. The most pronounced effect of Passionflower is on the nervous system, where it is shown to calm stress, agitation, and anxiety2. This herb especially proves helpful when the same thoughts are circling around in one’s mind, preventing one from relaxation and sleep. With its antispasmodic effect, Passionflower helps to ease cramps and spasms in the musculature, proving helpful during painful menses3. Although it can be taken moderately throughout the day for anxiety without causing too much grogginess, Passionflower also helps to induce deep and successful sleep at night.
- Tucker, A. O., & Janick, J. (2019). Aztec Plants in 16th Century New World and European Herbals. In Flora of the Voynich Codex (pp. 221-237). Springer, Cham.
- Akhondzadeh, S., Naghavi, H. R., Vazirian, M., Shayeganpour, A., Rashidi, H., & Khani, M. (2001). Passionflower in the treatment of generalized anxiety: A pilot double‐blind randomized controlled trial with oxazepam. Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics, 26(5), 363-367.
- Richardson, N. (2020). Your Period Handbook: Natural Solutions for Stress Free Menstruation. Karnac Books.